
Examples of Order

Here you can see the example how to make your order easy, fast and correct

Request of order:
Send me an email with this information:
1. list you want to use
2. list of products you want to purchase and quantity of each product (you can make calculations yourself or i will make it for you)
List #1:
20 Test Enanthate - $180
10 Sustanon-250  - $90
100 Stanabol 10mg - $70
TOTAL: $340

You will get a response with payment info and further instructions.
IronMan's Anabolic Store
Sending info for paid order:
Send me an email with this  information:
1. Refference number (8-digit, if MoneyGram)
2. Sender name (!!!) and amount sent.
3. Your order and shipping adress.
MTCN: 14567890
Total: $340
Sender: John Smith
20 Test Enanthate
10 Sustanon - 250
100 Stanabol 10mg
Shipping addy:
John Smith
123 West Road
New York, NY, 12345

You will get a response with confirmation of recieving your info.